PET REMEDY Party Season Survival Kit
All you need to help keep your pet calm & relaxed during party season!
1x 15ml Calming Spray
Use for localised and immediate effect
Water based and pH neutral (safe on skin and coat of pet)
Lasts for 2 – 8 hours depending on individual pet
Use in conjunction with plug diffuser for best results
1x 15ml Calming Spray
1x 60 Day Plug Diffuser
Suitable for all pets including birds and reptiles
Ambient and constant slow release
Last up to 8 weeks
Cheap to run (only 5 watts)
Coverage up to 60m2 / 650 sq ft (large room)
Refill bottles available
1x 60 Day Plug Diffuser
3x Calming Wipes
Wipe on hands before handling an anxious animal
Wipe around pet’s muzzle, ears, under chin and on chest
Carry with you when out and about
Wipe on pet bedding in the home and in the car
Wipe on pet enclosures such as hamster & bird cages
Useful for noise-sensitive animals who dislike the sound of a spray
Wrap around harness or tuck into collar for anxious dogs
3x Calming Wipes